We are here to celebrate the return of the light and the renewal of life. Every year we leave the past behind and seek new things and new ways to do things.

Nature is part of us and we are part of nature. This means that how we relate to our  external world is also happening internally. For example, if we pollute our rivers we are also polluting our own internal blood streams to the same extent.

Our consciousness has grown through three stages, the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. The mineral kingdom grew the spinal column and bone structure, the vegetable kingdom grew the nervous system and the animal kingdom grew the animal cell structure. At this moment we are struggling to lift ourselves up to the fourth stage to become real human beings, and choosing how to use what we have developed so far.

We have become the most successful animal in our world and we are reluctant to give up the throne and take the next step.

Animals develop by being at the effect of a fight or flight mechanism, running away or fighting works for them. They are motivated by fear and desire. Human beings however have developed the freedom of choice and this makes it possible to choose what, when and how we respond to life.

Governments still employ fear and desire to motivate people to do what they want them to do.

The life of the people needs to be liberated from the struggle and uncertainty that is forced upon them. The root of the individual is in the home, and the root of the State is  through the individual in the home. Without the individual there is no home and without a home there is no State. This will not be utilised until new ways of usefulness are applied to the individual.

Fear leads to anxiety and mental instability,  eventually ending up as disease. This world of uncertainty is achieved through a variety of reward and punishment systems. You are told what you should do, closely followed by the threat of a fine or some form of violence, restriction, or deprivation. Using fear to drive people keeps the animal side of their nature alive.

Animals rely on knowing what is happening in their territory. This enables them to formulate a strategy to manage the possible threats or benefits that exist in their space.

The internet began as a free space for communication, but this freedom challenged those who enjoyed the power of being at the top of the animal kingdom and so they want to regain control of what they thought was their territory. The space inside your mind, body, home and computer is seen as part of their territory. They would like to oversee your internal spaces.

It is time to stop using animal methods to manage people and move upwards and onwards to becoming human.

True human beings have no need of friends or enemies, they do not need to have wars, homeless people, unhealthy people or jobless people etc. The Justice system should work for all people supporting a fair distribution of wealth or right-use-fulness. More importantly, a wealth of insight and understanding of the needs of people would be necessary to see the way forwards.

New structures and ways of managing the space we live in are needed. We, like nature need to facilitate diversity, which must be driven by individuals rooted in the home.

It is now time to become pioneers of new ways of living.

Real thinking only happens if you are present to the moment. Thinking is directly linked to asking questions and receiving answers. It does not come via a reason sourced from the past or projected into the future. You need to be detached from your external perceptions to receive answers to your questions.

Human beings do not need to use excuses and justifications to hide behind. They do not need to threaten or blame anyone else in order to hide their guilt, so that they can  continue to pretend to be the good people they would like to be. they do not need to quote the work of others to justify their actions because they will be human beings exercising the power of choice.

Vegetation uses the roots in the soil to grow upwards, for the benefit of all life. Use your thoughts to rise up and support the truths that are self evident.

We give thanks for the roots that have grown in the Earth and the truths that are waiting in the soil of our minds, to be woken up.

Spring Equinox

Tower Hill 2025

Becoming human