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In the philosophical systems of the Ancient Chinese, the five elements that compose the structure of the body are symbolised as five kings, one for each of
the five major organs of the body. The King of the Heart was the chief of all. The Ancient Egyptians regarded the heart as ‘the great vital principle’ and
we are told that in the process of embalming the
dead they did not remove the heart.
In the Tantric writings of the Hindus, the heart is referred to as the seat of Brahma, the centre of spiritual consciousness in man. Christianity came
out of the heart or the seat of Abraham. The body
is in the heart as the mighty oak is in the acorn.
According to the Christian Bible the heart is also referred to as the Garden of Eden which contains within it an area now called the pulse point or that which is said to be in the ‘eastern part’ of Eden.
The Garden of the King was located upon a mountain, corresponding to the diaphragm in the centre of the body. From within it come forth the springs that, becoming rivers (arteries) pour forth the living waters
(blood) for the preservation of the land (the whole physical body).
Ancient temples with their chambers of initiation,
were built according to the structure of the heart.
They represent the Holy City (whole body), the Jerusalem of the Jews and Christians, the Mecca
of Islam and the Benares of the Hindus.
The heart is an epitome of the whole body. It consists of an inner, middle and outer part corresponding to the cerebral, thoracic and abdominal cavities of the body and the three main divisions of spirit, mind and body.
There are four chambers to the heart, plus a hidden fifth. In Christianity this is the four apostles and Jesus. It is the house of the HE-Arthur or Arthur the King.
It is also the three seeds of Inspiration from the cauldron that changed darkness into the light of Taliesin.
For Ancient people the four elements of Fire. Water, Air and Earth are the ingredients that are used to build all forms of life. The hidden seed gives birth to the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms with the corresponding levels of consciousness. This is followed by a fourth interim stage that either gravitates downwards to the man/animal or upwards to the man/human. This is a cause of much conflict between what materialists understand to be Nature and that which exists beyond Nature.
We were born from the present tense (the womb),
a place between the infinite and the finite and became lost in the material pathways of the future and past. The present tense is the source of birth and death but it is also the place of true creativity. We have forgotten our real history, but the inhabiter of the heart has not.
Love will or has become an action that is dependant upon external circumstances for its existence. I will love you as long as you make me feel good about myself and I will fall out of love with you when you make me feel bad about myself. The present tense can create love out of nothing and is not subject to external circumstances. Long live the King (seed)
and the Heart/soil in which it is planted.
Who is the source of love?
A history that is set in past tense facts can never be the source of the truth. It is a blind starting point that eventually leads to back to True art, or His-story.
The Heart, The Hearth, He-Arthur, H-earth, Heater, Theatre.
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2.png)
The Heart is
the seat of all that has
ever been
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-9.png)
The theatre
contains the whole play
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-11.png)
He-arthur is
the house of
the king
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-13.png)
The Hearth is
the fireplace
in the home
The Heart is
not fooled by
the cleverness
of the mind
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An Atom is
a seed
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-18.png)
The Heart is
the fireplace
in the body
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-20.png)
Who is the source
of Love ?
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-22.png)
There is no place like
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-24.png)
Let us get to the Heart of
the matter
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The Heart contains the promised
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-30.png)
The Heart is the epitome of the whole body
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-32.png)
The Heart has
four chambers
and a hidden
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-34.png)
The Heart is
the creator of
true art
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-36.png)
The Heart is not fooled by the
clever mind
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-38.png)
Here is where the Heart is
![](images/valentine-day/heart with rays-web 2-40.png)
The Heart is a ground source heat pump